Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Vision in Ministry

Our vision is to work with young Athletes to increase their vertical jump, speed, agility and quickness to make them the best Athletes they can be and give them training to develop into great Leaders in their schools and communities.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

Why Mooresville Vertimax
In a world that is becoming more resistant to traditional efforts of ministry, Mooresville Vertimax attempts to go where traditional evangelism has not been effective in reaching the unsaved.
In our Vertimax Training sessions, our Trainers try to Mentor our students by encouraging them to work hard to be the best Athletes they can be physically and mentally and be leaders in their respective sports.  This training uses the Vertimax Training system along with various Speed, Agility, and Quickness training.  Then the students will be encouraged to use those talents to reach others to be the best they can be by focusing on their Vertical relationship with Jesus Christ!
Mooresville Vertimax operates under two basic principles:
One is that sports provide a platform or avenue to share the Gospel that might not exist otherwise.
The second comes directly from Romans 12:6 -
“We each have different gifts according to the grace given us… let him use them in proportion to his faith.”
Sports is certainly not the traditional idea one might picture when thinking of sharing the Gospel, but we each have different gifts, and we are called to use them.
The Opportunity..
Sports are a major part of our world’s culture and touch a greater segment of the population each year.  Mooresville Vertimax capitalizes on this aspect of our society to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In addition, this ministry attempts to identify those sports-minded individuals in the local church whose gifts and abilities are aimed in this same direction. We help the local church train those people to use their gifts to bring others to Christ.
We attempt to help these individuals understand the talents God has given them and then show them how to use their gifts effectively through churches and ministries like Mooresville Vertimax.

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